I am enjoying my brown eggs everyday. My four hens are now laying 3 or more eggs a day. The boys, are enjoying their omellete and hard boil eggs too. I am now looking for a rooster so I can have another batches of chicks soon. My rooster died last winter and I have no idea why.
I found some information from ENC about egg and here some of it:
Egg History:
-Europe has had domesticated hens since 600 B.C.
-Chickens came to the New World with Columbus on his second trip in 1493.
-Eggs were colored, blessed, exchanged and eaten as part of the rites of spring long before Christian times.
-While it is customary to throw rice at weddings in many countries, French brides break an egg on the threshold of their new home before stepping in- for luck and healthy babies.
-At the time of the French Revolution, the clever French already knew 685 different ways of preparing eggs (including, of course, the omelet).
Egg Nutrition:
Eggs contain the highest quality protein you can buy. Egg protein has just the right mix of essential amino acids needed by humans to build tissues. In addition, eggs have thirteen essential vitamins and minerals
* Eggs contain the highest quality food protein known. It is second only to mother's milk for human nutrition.
* Egg yolk is the major source of the egg's vitamins and minerals.
* A large egg contains only 75 calories and 5 grams of fat.
* Egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D.
* Eggs have no vitamin C because the chick can produce it from food it eats.
Egg History:
-Europe has had domesticated hens since 600 B.C.
-Chickens came to the New World with Columbus on his second trip in 1493.
-Eggs were colored, blessed, exchanged and eaten as part of the rites of spring long before Christian times.
-While it is customary to throw rice at weddings in many countries, French brides break an egg on the threshold of their new home before stepping in- for luck and healthy babies.
-At the time of the French Revolution, the clever French already knew 685 different ways of preparing eggs (including, of course, the omelet).
Egg Nutrition:
Eggs contain the highest quality protein you can buy. Egg protein has just the right mix of essential amino acids needed by humans to build tissues. In addition, eggs have thirteen essential vitamins and minerals
* Eggs contain the highest quality food protein known. It is second only to mother's milk for human nutrition.
* Egg yolk is the major source of the egg's vitamins and minerals.
* A large egg contains only 75 calories and 5 grams of fat.
* Egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D.
* Eggs have no vitamin C because the chick can produce it from food it eats.
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